Saturday, August 27, 2011


July 5, 2011 - 4 weeks
While celebrating Brad's birthday and July 4th at the Zitney household, I noticed that I was enjoying the food a little too much. So I got Becca to drive me to Walgreen's for some pee-stick-fun. I remember waiting for what seemed like an eternity, praying, and reminding myself to breathe. Then I looked down.


The most beautiful word my eyes have laid on in quite a while.

Naturally, I was cautious to not get too excited. This was my third pregnancy in five months. But I put my complete trust in God's plan. I am a part of his plan, not the other way around. This is something that I have learned and grown from in the past few months. It's a good lesson. A hard one, but good nonetheless.

The next day, I called my BIL, Roy, who practices with my OB. He called in some progesterone for me to start asap (since it was Sunday and Monday was a holiday, I was very appreciative). With a close watch and lots of prayer, we are full of hope that this is our next baby.

July 19, 2011 - 6 weeks
I feel much more hopeful and confident about this pregnancy. I am already one week past the duration of my previous pregnancies, I have had two sets of successful blood work, and yesterday I was able to see the little sweet pea and its precious little heartbeat/flutter. I am still working on freeing myself from worry and googling every single twinge or unusual nuance. I am trying very hard to leave it in His hands. It's tough, but I have to trust. He has answered my prayers of giving me reassurance, whether it's from the doctor visits, or waking up, feeling "under the weather". So instead of giving in to the natural instinct to complain about my symptoms, I thank God.

I am more than a little behind (seeing as how I am now 12 weeks), but I will be updating soon! I just couldn't hold onto this post any longer!!!


Mrs EyeCanSee said...


Kristen said...

I am just SO excited for you guys! Such wonderful news!

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

I'm so glad things are going well!

Anonymous said...

That is such great news, girl!!! How exciting!! :o) I love the shot of your little baby bean. Can't wait to see more updates. Hope you are feeling okay!

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